The Los Medanos College Lifelong Learning Adult Lectures are fee-based, not-for-credit classes on specialized topics that are designed for personal growth and enrichment for attendees. Lectures are taught by individuals who are experts in their field and passionate about the topics they are addressing.
The Lifelong Learning Center is holding a series of monthly lectures on the history of the Delta. Join Carol Jensen, local historian, on Tuesday, January 17 from 1 PM to 3 PM as she talks about local history as experience through real photo postcards.
From about 1890 until the First World War, traveling photographers would roam the country snapping shots of families, homes and farmland. Real photos are printed on postcard stock, purchased in bulk and sent to families in Europe by those wishing to display their prosperity in the New World. Real photo postcards are a wonderful cultural archive items that capture the times and show what life was like back then. For example, a postcard sent to a Mrs. Smith in San Francisco reads, “Hello Girlie – How are you? and yours? So terribly warm here today am almost roasted. Had a dandy time at Frank Eaton and Ruby Hudson Eaton’s’ reception. I suppose you heard that they were married?” It is a completely new research opportunity engaging in real photo postcard (“RPP”) history. It allows individuals to learn about their community, helps others to remember the area and remind new residents of the reasons they moved out here.